Monday, June 15, 2009

Funny Things Jane Says

So one thing that Jane is for sure is verbal. I mean the little girl talks all the time.
(okay so to avoid snotty comments or getting my feelings hurt here, I will add all the disclaimers)
- I also talk a lot, and Mars doesn't, so she clearly gets it from me
- I am sure I talked like her when I was little, so any complaints I have, are just me getting what is coming to me
- Yes, I have found someone who talks more than me, and it is my progeny. Irony noted
- It may sound like I am bragging here, but believe me, it is more like commenting on something that seems so odd, and effects several parts of your life, and brings on funny stories. Like having six toes or something.
Okay, so all that aside, she does talk all the time. I mean there is running commentary, and comments on everything, including questions I can't answer, and clarifications if I get it wrong. All this from a little girl who isn't even officially two yet. I had to note some of them here, so that for you who don't see her every day you can have an idea of what we are dealing with.
She asks a lot of questions, most of them have to do with what people are doing. "Who that Papa talking with?" What that Mama doing?" "What that dull-dozer [bulldozer] doing?" "What that Papa eating?" "Jane make you a beet-o? [burrito]?" "What that Mama and Papa talking about?"
She adds "that" before every third person subject, even if it is her and me and Mars in the car, and the Mama and Papa she is talking about is us.
She also negotiates well. She said this morning. "Jane, five minutes of kib [crib] before shoes." She often says "Jane play kitchen, and no eat oatmeal." "Jane have picnic food, right here." (this means eating on the floor and not at a table or in her highchair) "Jane have bubbles in bath, no wash hair."
She also has distinct ideas of what things should be called. She calls skunks "gunks" and if you try to correct it, she says "No...gunks" She says that "Seagulls" are at the top of flag poles not "Eagles" She calls her self "Dean" including saying "J is for Dean" and she calls my dad "Pata" and Laverne "Mana" and who knows why.
Also at times she seems philosophical beyond her years. Saying things "Water makes Jane happy." and "Mama no likes this song, only Jane likes this song." And above all the other week Mars and I were driving and I was complaining about being uncomfortable because I am so pregnant. I asked him "When do you think this baby will come?" he paused, and Jane pipes up from the back seat "In due time." I kid you not.
So what does this all mean to us. Probably that it will only get worse from her to 14, and then she will completely stop talking to us for 5 or so years. Maybe she will be a talk show host. I can see her no, no pronouns, lots of referring to people in the abstract third person. It's a hit.


  1. That post made me smile the entire time. How fun is she!! We've got to do more mingling. How about some concerts in the park this summer?

  2. I like that she offered to make you a burrito. That kid's a keeper.

  3. I need to try one of her beet-os. We'll be out there in July.
