Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Macy Issue One

So at some point it seemed that Macy would need to have toe surgery (to remove her little extra toe) and then while all of her ear infections are going on the doctors started telling us that she would most likely need ear tubes. So, you would think logically, we looked into doing both surgeries together. But that is not too be.

See the ENT is fine with it, but didn't do surgery where the pediatric othopedist did surgery, so he referred us to an ENT at children's hospital LA. The ENT talked to the orthopedist, and he was okay with doing the surgery together, but the ortho wasn't. So here is the catch 22, if Macy has an active ear infection or fluid in her ears the ortho considers that an infection risk for the foot surgery, if her ears are clear with no fluid, she doesn't need ear tubes. So two surgeries it is

Next Tuesday she has the ear tube surgery scheduled. And I am preparing for the fact this is the first of two surgeries over that next few months. With any luck, before she starts walking. I know for sure before the toe surgery we will take pictures to commemorate her soon to be 5 toed foot, but what do I take a picture of for her soon to be be-tubed ear drums?


  1. Ouch, poor Macy. She's a trouper (and so are you and Mars!). Too bad people-doctors aren't as simple as vets: My vet always throws in a tooth brushing whenever he has to knock out one of my cats out for some other reason.

    I'll send good thoughts your way on Tuesday.

  2. Hugs to Macy. If anyone could coordinate two surgeon's schedules it would be you! Hang in there, sending our love for Tuesday!

  3. Laton just had the ear surgery and had his adnoids out too. It was an easy surgery overall and he was doing great by that afternoon at home! :-) Macy will do great.
